A collection of course materials from my teaching
RNA-Seq for Differential Gene/Transcript Expression
CTR Placental Biology Course, 3rd – 8th July 2016, Centre for Trophoblast Research, University of Cambridge CTR Placental Biology Course
Presentation (PDF) | PlacentalBiologyCoursePresentation.pdf |
Presentation (PPTX) | PlacentalBiologyCoursePresentation.pptx |
R Code | PlacentalBiologyCourse_Sleuth.R |
Link to publication | Stumpo et al (2016) Development |
Sample Descriptions | sample.descriptions_PlacentaVsYolkSac.txt |
Methylation Analysis using Bisulfite Sequencing
Summer School in Bioinformatics & NGS Data Analysis (NGSchool2016), 14th – 21st August 2016, Dolný Smokovec, Slovakia NGSchool
Presentation (PDF) | Hamilton_Methylation_Presentation.pdf |
Presentation (PPTX) | Hamilton_Methylation_Presentation.pptx |
Simulated Data, Bash scripts and R-scripts | SimulatedData.tar.gz |
Reference Genome (Bismark prepared) | NGSchool_GRCh38_Chr1_region.tar.gz |
What is Bioinformatics (to be released Sept 2016)
Sixth Form Secondary School
- R-Script
- Link to Data